Rebecca Smith
Co-Investigator in Bioenergy Crop Design
Assistant Professor of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Keywords: Feedstocks, Sorghum
Christine Sprunger
Associate professor of soil health, Michigan State University
Research summary: Sprunger's research focuses on the intersection of agriculture and the environment, where she investigates how various agricultural management practices impact soil health and ecosystem services.
Keywords: Soil health; ecosystem services; crop resilience; microbiome
Shannon Stahl
Co-Investigator of Feedstock Variability & Processing
Professor of Chemistry, Steenbock Professor of Chemical Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Keywords: Deconstruction, Lignin Depolymerization
Michaela TerAvest
Team Lead of Biodesign
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University
Keywords: Conversion, Metabolic Engineering, Zymomonas
Kurt Thelen
Co-Investigator in Sustainable Environmental Performance
Professor of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University
Keywords: Sustainability, Feedstocks, Agronomic Systems, Crops, Land Management
Michael G. Thomas
Team Lead of Bioproducts
Professor of Bacteriology, Alfred Toepfer Faculty Fellow, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Keywords: Conversion, Isopenoids, Conversion Residue
Lisa Tiemann
Co-Investigator in Sustainable Environmental Performance
Assistant Professor of Soil Biology, Michigan State University
Keywords: Sustainability, Nitrogen Cycling, Roots, Carbon Cycling
Reid Van Lehn
Co-Investigator in Feedstock Variability & Processing
Hung-Hougen Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Keywords: Deconstruction, Separations, Modeling, Machine Learning
Josh Vermaas
Assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, Michigan State University
Keywords: Biodesign, Computational Microscopy, Zymomonas mobilis
Berkley Walker
Co-Investigator in Bioenergy Crop Productivity & Microbiome
Assistant Professor of Plant Biology, Michigan State University
Keywords: Sustainability, Carbon Cycling, Switchgrass, Carbon Fluxes
Elizabeth Wright
Co-Investigator in Biodesign
Henry Lardy Professor of Biochemistry and Director of Cryo-EM Facility, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Keywords: Deconstruction, Separations, Modeling, Machine Learning
Yiying Xiong
Associate Director
Research program director, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Keywords: Hydropower, Biofuel, Food-energy-water nexus
Cristal Zuniga
Assistant professor of biology, San Diego State University
Keywords: NGS, Big Data, Systems Biology, Metabolic Modeling