Shannon Stahl
Co-Investigator of Feedstock Variability & Processing
Professor of Chemistry, Steenbock Professor of Chemical Sciences
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Shannon Stahl's research focuses on the field of catalysis, and his lab's work draws upon and impacts a number of areas of chemistry, including synthetic and mechanistic aspects of Organometallic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. Many of the exciting new methods in organic synthesis consist of catalytic reactions. Furthermore, advances in catalysis research are critical to address many of the major challenges facing our nation and world, including (i) reducing the contribution of human activities to global warming, (ii) identifying sustainable energy sources and (iii) minimizing the environmental impact of chemical synthesis (i.e., green chemistry).
Research Keywords
Deconstruction, Lignin Depolymerization
Sustainable Field-to-Product Optimization