Debra Mohnen
Debra Mohnen is a Distinguished Research Professor professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Georgia Athletic Association Professor of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at the University of Georgia. She is also an adjunct faculty at the Department of Plant Biology. Mohnen was the Focus Area Lead for Biomass Formation and Modification in the Bioenergy Science Center from 2011 to 2017 and has been the Research Domain Lead for Integrative Analysis and Understanding in the Center for Bioenergy Innovation since 2017.
Mohnen has made internationally recognized contributions to the field of plant cell-wall glycobiology with significant impacts on biomass and bioenergy research. She has served on the Committee on the Status of Women in Plant Physiology of the American Society of Plant Physiologists and was an invited faculty sponsor for the UGA Association for Women in Science. She is past member-at-large in the Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division of the American Chemical Society, and past member of the Council for Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division in the Office of Basic Energy Sciences. She earned her Ph.D. in plant biology from the University of Illinois.