Research Associate (Postdoc) – Carbon/Water Fluxes, Terrestrial Ecosystems

Position Type

Location – Michigan State University, U.S.A.

Expected start date – As soon as possible.

Job description

A postdoctoral researcher position is available in Jiquan Chen’s lab at Michigan State University to work on a project that aims at maximizing the environmental performance of bioenergy crops as part of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (

Within GLBRC, our group studies the net ecosystem exchanges of water, energy, CO2, CH4, and N2O for three different bioenergy crops at two land use histories. Our objective is to understand the magnitude and changes of these fluxes at multiple scales. At least seven eddy-covariance flux towers have been used since 2008 at the scale-up plots of GLBRC. New ancillary sensors (e.g., SIF, phenocams, net radiometer) will be added to these towers.

The candidate will be responsible for maintaining the seven eddy-covariance towers and processing the data for reports and publications to understand how bioenergy crops function toward our sustainability goals. Collaborations with other teams at GLBRC and other Bioenergy Research Centers are possible and encouraged.

Required degree

A Ph D in Micrometeorology, Ecosystem Studies, Soil, Ecosystem Modeling, or related field.

Minimum requirements

  • Strong written and oral communication skills to collaborate and communicate effectively with a team of researchers from diverse scientific backgrounds.

Desired qualifications

  • Knowledge and experience in micrometeorology.
  • Experience working in the field and good skills in handling large datasets.
  • Experience in ecosystem models and/or remote sensing will be useful for the position.

Required application materials

Provide a cover letter (up to 2 pages) describing your interest(s) in this position and relevant skills, a CV, and the name and contact information of three professional references.

All applications must be submitted through the MSU Careers Website. To access this posting, please use the following link:

Deadline to Apply